Friday, March 10, 2006

The Grover Cleveland of Busking

An erratic schedule has kept me from busking for two weeks, and in an effort to compensate for this, I occupied the Columbia University station for two, non-consecutive terms this evening.

Thinking that I may see some cute girls near Columbia, I was temporarily blinded to the fact that college students have no money. Thus, many a cutie was seen, and nary a dollar was made. Well, okay, a couple bucks. I mostly just need quarters for laundry at this point, or people really will think I'm homeless since I'll be busking in the same clothes tomorrow.

I learned tonight that just because I think a song is funny/great/super/touching/moving/whatever, doesn't necessarily mean that audience members (I think it's the first time I've called them that, but I think it's logical) will pay enough attention to figure that out. For example: recently, I really got into this song from my childhood called "MTA (The Man Who Never Returned," about a Bostonian who gets on the T without being aware of the fare increase, and cannot afford to get off the train. It's a ridiculous song, made all the better by its popularization by those swell fellas, The Kingston Trio. Anyway, I guess the song either references Boston too much, or people can recognize that it's a goofy song from a bygone era...either way, it got the least response of any song I've played yet! On the upside, I jammed out to it with my family in San Diego a couple weeks back...maybe I like it better that way.'s a family thing.

One thing's for sure: people sure get weirder late at night.

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