Saturday, January 27, 2007


I'm not a newb to busking. After doing this for a year in New York, I thought I couldn't be taken off guard by much. The climate, however, is a different matter.

For the second outing in a row, I got some nice red lobster claw hands after strumming for about an hour. I decided to keep going. Tough it out, right? Well, this worked until I got pangs of anguish from the cold. I decided that as cool as they make it look in all those civil war movies, amputation might be overrated. It was a short-lived set.

One story of note: When I first set up the other night, I kicked off with "Heart of Gold" because it's easy and people don't think I'm doing some half-baked original mopey song, and sure enough, a guy approached me and asked who wrote it. I told him Neil Young (it was my chance to take the credit, but I just couldn't do it...damn conscience), and he told me that if I played it again, he wouldn't make me leave. I did a few double takes, he flashed his badge at me. Stalemate. It was probably a plastic "Special Police" badge from $1 Creations, but he seemed cool enough so I rolled with it and played the song again. He amscrayed a few minutes later, giving me a chance to let loose with the Strokes' "New York City Cops."

(The pic is another Eggleston gem. So awesome.)

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