Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Bog Iron

Had a whole mess of new songs tonight (covers, that is), including Dylan's "One More Cup of Coffee," off of Desire, which I just recently obtained. It's insane to me that he managed to be good for so long....Desire's a mid-period 70s album, and it's absolutely fantastic. Most people know it for "Hurricane" and maybe "Sara" I guess, but the whole thing is just one big artistic stretch for him that totally works. Ugh. May I only live to accomplish such a feat. Then again, he kinda sucked in the 80s, so I guess things even out.

Sparse night...people kinda tumbled in and out of the station with the cold. My case got fed, meaning I did too, but it was nothing amazing, and I didn't feel like my voice or playing was doing any cartwheels to write home about. You can always count on someone in Chelsea to recognize an obscurity...one gentleman had heard "Rain" (Beatles' B-side to "Eleanor Rigby") before, though he couldn't place it. I wonder if forty years from now, some weird, young song collector like me will be playing "Hey Ya" on an acoustic guitar in a monorail station. There certainly won't be anyone playing "Please Please Me," judging by how many people recognized that one last night.

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