Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Indonesian Junk

Oasis song + group of teenage British girls = big moolah.

This I have learned. It would seem that I also learned that my horrible new haircut (it's so freaking short that I look as though I just tumbled out of a naked mole-rat's womb) and grotesque shave (the first barber shave I've ever had, and let's just say I'm not going to let it mate with any other painful shaves out there to make shave-babies) have brought on a deluge of donations because people probably think I'm a fifteen year-old kid. I'm cool with it. What I'm not cool with is how I forgot to bring my website sign today. Pretty unfortunate, since so many passersby were flocking to see the lumpy-faced, pre-adolescent busker.

I've had difficulty thinking lately because the Cheap Trick song "Surrender" has been lodged quite firmly in the intersection of my crucial neural pathways. I decided the best solution to this dilemma was to learn how to play the song in about a day and spout it off to the great underground ear of New York. I certainly had fun, but I'm not sure if people recognized the song. Am I crazy, or is that like the best freaking power-pop song ever? Sure, Badfinger's got some pretty sweet tunes. But "Surrender" is truly epic. I was just surprised that I didn't see more looks of acknowledgement tonight. Talk about "losers of the year"....

Still, I made record cash tonight. I was close to losing record cash, too. A huge bunch of black kids were eyeing my case full of money and pointing and laughing at me. Heh, real cool. I'm not trying to be racist...they just happened to be black, and they really seemed to be planning some kinda heist...or maybe I just got keyed up and my imagination filled in the rest. Regardless, I got pretty evil-eye on them, and started playing a little snarly; my appearance probably negated this, though. I swear that barber's gonna get a piece of my mind! And many pieces of my hair....

I've been having some problems with one song, "Where Marlborough Street Ends." Could be because when I wrote it, I quickly recorded it with a drum loop and now I can't play it exactly right since I can't hear the drum rhythms. I also wrote it when my ex-girlfriend and I were still dating, so maybe it's hard to play for that reason. At any rate, I think I'm going to give it a rest for a bit. I'm still polishing up my newest song, "Cold, Cold Columbia."

I'm actually heading to sunny California in a few short hours! It's high tme I see my grandparents and extended family out there, plus my bottles of sunshine are almost out here. Every time I go out to CA I have an amazing time and get pretty into my writing, so hopefully I'll have some swell stuff to update on when I return on the 23rd.

Until then, godspeed and gehsundheit.

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