Sunday, January 22, 2006

Cold, Cold Columbia

I woke up pretty late today, and as a result, I didn't really hit the most appropos time for busking (I finally found a place around 5:30). Most pitches on the 1 line were filled already, but the upside of checking each station was that I ran into that awesome classical guitarist again. His name is Desmond Ivey. I kinda like "Something Ivey" better, but hey. He kinda looked like he recognized me.

Anyhow, since I was planning on going out later, I figured I'd go to the Columbia University subway station (I haven't played there before, and it's close by). I wasn't prepared for the cold -- the station isn't very far underground and I was playing pretty near to the entrance. The first couple of songs I played had my fingers on my picking hand nearly frozen. Over time I warmed up. There weren't too many folks going through the station tonight, and the donations I made reflected that...but I still had a lot of fun. "Spill the Coffee", a song I wrote about Will Thomas, a white man who had been adopted by the Cherokee in the 1800s, received some very nice kudos from a cute couple. I told them about my myspace page (, and regrettably admitted that I don't have a recording of the song on the page yet. I actually wrote "Spill the Coffee" about three years ago (I've played guitar for about four years), so I was surprised it was so well received.

"Spill the Coffee" was also a new addition to my set tonight. I added "Here, There and Everywhere" by the Beatles, "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield, and "No One to Love" by Stephen Foster, as well as two other originals.

It seems that songs for which I play both guitar and harmonica are more popular than just guitar songs....and I like 'em better, too! I just need to write more songs that have harmonica I'll probably need more harmonicas since I have only two diatonics right now.

Not a monumental evening, but a fun one.

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