Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Jack-o-Lantern Heart

In a desperate attempt to capture a melody I heard in a recent dream, I've spent the last few weeks writing a new song that I just posted to my music page on myspace a few minutes ago. Check it out!

As for my Halloween plans as a busker, I thought I might as well make the full metamorphosis that I've been undergoing slowly and don the guise of Bob Dylan. I certainly know enough of his songs to make it through a three hour set. Unfortunately, I'm incredibly hungry and have decided to visit the grocery store instead. I hope 23rd St can get on without me.

Expect a bunch of new songs soon. I've been writing up a storm of (typically) unfinished lyrics, but now that I'm back from that Boston gig, I can really buckle down and finish 'em off.

Now go do yourself a favor and watch The Innocents. I don't care what anybody says; it's the scariest movie I've ever seen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings from a fellow NYC busker :)