Thursday, August 24, 2006

An Inkling

Last night was a late one. Even without me watching The Legend of Boggy Creek until like 3 am. I usually busk until 8 or 9, but I've been feeling pretty liberated (read: poor) lately, mostly due to my lack of other jobbyness, so I stayed out until midnight.

I've encountered some pretty weird troglodyte-type characters in the nocturnal hours of Subwaydom (most of which are way scarier than those stupid things in The Descent), but this time around I was blessed with a pretty tranquil evening at 23rd Street.

A few new songs entered the mix, both substantial classics: "Lola" by the Kinks and the Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want." Feeling ballsy, I even tried playing the standard "Love Hurts" (Roy Orbison and Gram Parsons have covered it, among others), even though I had only an inkling of what the chord progression was. Turns out that inkling was a right inkling. It's kinda cool to know that I can more or less play a song after hearing it a couple times (providing it has a somewhat traditional chord structure). Remembering the lyrics, however, is a different matter altogether.

A lady asked for my contact info last night just before she hurriedly hopped a train. She tried shouting something as the doors closed, which very likely could have been, "I'm working on a movie and we needs songs for the soundtr--". Then again, maybe she was saying "I work for an insidious organization that shops people's phone numbers around to all sorts of terrible telemarketers and nefarious nogoodniks and dastardly do--". With my luck, it's probably the latter.

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