Thursday, April 17, 2008

planets are getting demoted

How do you get over something that's eating at your brain? Nevermind that it's something stupid, something that is taking up your time in a most frustrating manner, something that doesn't give a hoot about you no matter how much you invest in said something. (Yeah, you probably know what I'm referring to by now.) Nevermind those things. It's buggin' ya, and ya gotta kick it.

So you write. Well, at least I write. I've been spending my free time the last few days writing the first song I've really been able to get enthused about since Novemberish. In fact I've been writing so much that the song is way too long. I've been almost literally sleeping on it (the old trick where I reread it right before bed so my dreaming brain can hopefully continue working on the weak stuff). On my break today, I purposely left the lyrics at home and attempted to rewrite them from scratch, hoping the stuff that counts would reappear and the bits that could stand to improve would get lost in the shuffle. Not sure if it worked; now I like both versions.

Ah well. Brian Wilson says that a masterpiece is something you water daily. Not that this has much chance of being one of those things. But I do intend on tending to it as such.

Lyrics and recording to come.
Mucho Oblique Strategies and risks happening currently.


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jaxx said...

hey rob, it's great that you're doing so much writing (however miserable a muse might have inspired it). but what's "too long" for a song? you mean too long for radio three-minute famehood? that's over. be the new bob dylan. be pink floyd and have songs as long as one whole side of a record. (are you old enough to remember vinyl?) ROCK ON!

Digitalshrub said...

Thanks for the feedback! Jaxx, we're talking around 5 or so minutes for the song in question. I know it's not terribly long, and I have a very fond place in my heart for Dylan's epics (Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands in particular) -- I mean, even his normal songs are usually 5 minutes on the lighter side. (And yes, I'm a record collector, so your reference is certainly appreciated!) As a matter of fact, a fair amount of my songs verge on the 5, 6 minute mark, if you've heard any of them. It's for this reason that I'm trying to get back to crafting somewhat shorter songs, not as necessity, but as a muscle to exercise like any other. I dunno. But thanks, I'll let you know what happens!