Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Call me Piecemeal.

Emmylou's back from repairs! And she sounds freaking awesome. I bought a humidifier to make sure she doesn't get all wonky again. Apparently humidifiers are pretty standard for acoustics in the winter when heat is on. Whodathunk? Well, now that that's taken care of, I can move on to other things on my "to pay for" list. Loans, rent, food. Ah, the day-to-day life of a wandering soul.

I've been trying to learn the sea shanty "Blow Ye Winds in the Morning," which has got to be one of my all-time favorite songs. Thing is, it's got about 19 verses (probably more hiding somewhere, as it's a song that got tossed around from ship to ship, changing just like any good folk song). That's a mite more than I'm used to, even after memorizing my fair share of Dylan tunes. It doesn't help that in the 1800s, sailors didn't seem to care much for rhyme scheme. I'm confident I can do it; this busker at Mystic Seaport knew all of it. There's hope.

Pretty epic set tonight. I don't think I repeated anything except for "thank you." About 54 times. 'Cos I got 54 donations tonight! Awwww yeeeeeah. Next stop, Carnegie Hall. The lobby.

Some creepy fella hustled over to me as a train pulled in and handed me a pen, informing me it was to be my "lucky pen." I awkwardly smiled, nodded, and cupped myself in fear. On the walk home, I realized that this thing really is going to be my lucky pen. It's double-sided! I haven't checked if there's ink in either side, but c'mon! I can sign two recording contracts at once! Autograph two headshots at once! Sign two living wills at once! Okay, that's less fun. But with this pen, I'd find a way to make it memorable.

(Apparently this racist old political cartoon suggests that the Irish and African Americans are equally dumb and worthless or something. Just to be clear, I don't feel this way. I just think it's funny looking and cool in that 'old' way. Don't be mad. I am part Irish, actually. And I like African Americans. We're cool, right?)

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