Friday, February 10, 2006

Bond. Vagabond.

After creatively exhausting myself to the point of actually going to sleep before midnight last night (I think the last time that happened was 5th grade...must have been the one Friday night that TGIF was temporarily replaced by the news, sports, or "Beaches"), I think I've decided to not worry so much about this song I've been working on. I'm really happy with the lyrics, so who cares if the melody sounds like a Neil Young song? A tweak here, a tweak there...unrecognizable. I hope.

I got a guitar pick (canary yellow) from a guy at 59th Street yesterday. Musicians are definitely -- and logically -- the most generous, at least thus far. I got a five dollar bill from a guy who said he needed to help out his fellow guitarist, but he'd only been in the station about thirty seconds before hopping on the train! I was floored. I also met a very complimentary lady who really liked "The Fly," a song I wrote based on the William Blake poem of the same name. I usually don't play it because the finger-picking pattern is too soft amidst the torrents of underground New York, but I'm glad I did on this occasion. She wrote down my website address, and told me she's a performer, too: an aerial performer! Cirque du Soleil type of stuff, she told me. Wow. I can't even ride an escalator without tumbling into oblivion...doing anything more complicated is simply incomprehensible to me.

It's weird...everytime I start feeling groggy while busking, I'm able to convince myself "Just one more song," and I always end up getting a sizable amount of donations from that last song, or meet someone who has valuable insights into music, busking, performance, etc (or mybe part of my brain just searches for something meaningful to justify my procrastination). Last night I ran into my friend Caroline (the one who didn't really ditch me a few posts earlier)! She and I went to high school together back in NC, and haven't seen each other since. I wonder what would have happened if I continued on this "one more song" mentality...maybe met some Mole People?

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